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Adjusting the car radio is one of the top 10 driving distractions

On Behalf of | May 17, 2021 | Auto Accidents

Distractions that cause car accidents are everywhere. Anything that requires the driver to look away from the road and their surrounding environs can lead to a crash – including fiddling with the radio controls or phone playlist.

Three behaviors that lead to distracted driving accidents

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, or NHTSA, lists three kinds of distracted driving behaviors:

  • Manual, which means taking your hands off the wheel
  • Visual, when you take  your eyes off the road to look at something else
  • Cognitive, which refers to allowing something to take your mind off driving

You may reach over to pet your dog, glance at the kids in the back seat or get lost in a daydream. These are all examples of manual, visual and cognitive distraction.

Top 10 driving distractions

  1. Becoming lost in thought
  2. Use of a cell phone
  3. Looking at something outside the car
  4. Looking at someone inside the car
  5. Using a device other than your cell phone like reading or writing on a tablet
  6. Eating or drinking
  7. Adjusting your radio or the A/C
  8. Using cruise control, GPS or similar function
  9. Reaching for objects
  10. Smoking

You can add applying makeup, reading or driving when drowsy as common distractions.

What percentage of accidents is attributable to distracted driving?

The NHTSA reports that in 2019, distracted driving played a role in 8.5% of all fatal vehicle crashes. The agency also finds that phones distract drivers at least 10% of the time they spend behind the wheel.

Kara Macek, senior director of communications and programs for the Governors Highway Safety Association recently commented on distracted driving. She said:

“States tell us that the three primary factors in traffic fatalities continue to be booze, belts and speed, but drugs, distraction and drowsiness are also increasingly contributing factors to crashes, so we are dealing with a wide spectrum of human behaviors that are challenging to change. Unfortunately, the proliferation of new apps and features on smartphones means that drivers are not only texting, but also Snapchatting, Instagramming, and Tweeting while behind the wheel,” says Macek. “Any interaction with your phone while driving is a risky proposition.”

For some tactical solutions to prevent accidents, you can:

  • Review your route before you begin your drive. Following a digital navigation system without an idea of what to expect ahead of time can contribute to an accident.
  • Always observe speed limits and adjust your speed based on weather and road conditions
  • Keep your eyes on the road always. In just a few seconds, driving while distracted can lead to a serious car wreck.
  • Create a playlist for the ride or preset radio stations so you can easily adjust the station during commercials with minimal distraction.
  • Do not use your cell phone while driving. If you are alone in the car allow your voice mail to answer calls for you. If you must make a call or send a text, pull off the road to a safe place and take care of your phone call or text before resuming your trip.

A car crash can occur in seconds and the resulting injuries can change your life. Stay focused on your driving, stay safe and continue to enjoy driving on Hawaii roadways.

