Assisting You With Every Step Of Personal Injury Arbitration
Many personal injury claims go to arbitration rather than litigation. Why? To keep expenses down, keep matters private and resolve matters quickly.
At Trecker Fritz & Williams, Attorneys at Law, we represent clients throughout Honolulu and Hawaii in personal injury arbitration. We have more than 150 combined years of legal experience, and we are known throughout the state as an accomplished team. We receive many referrals from clients and colleagues who know about our results and reputation.
What Is Arbitration?
Arbitration is a form of alternative dispute resolution. In arbitration, both sides of a dispute sit down with a neutral party known as an arbitrator. Arbitrating a complex conflict is common in many practice areas, from personal injury to business law. The parties and their attorneys present their evidence, and then the arbitrator issues a decision. Although arbitration is not necessarily binding, many people choose to enter binding arbitration to receive a final decision without going to court.
The Experienced Arbitrators To Help You
Our team contains renowned arbitrators with extensive experience. For instance, attorney Marty Trecker frequently gives seminars on arbitration to lawyers throughout the region. He is particularly knowledgeable regarding binding arbitration. With him and the rest of our team as your counsel, you can rest assured knowing that reliable and proven arbitrators are advocating for you. If arbitrating your claim does not prove to be the right method of resolution, we are trial-tested litigators who are ready for court.
Biggest Advantages Of Arbitration In A Personal Injury Case
Arbitration in personal injury cases offers several advantages:
- Spend Less Money – Arbitration tends to be more economical than traditional litigation simply because it can avoid the legal fees and other expenses associated with trial.
- Resolve Your Case Faster – Speed is another crucial benefit of arbitration. When a personal injury lawsuit has to go to trial, the case can wind through the courts for several years – and verdicts may be appealed. Arbitration can enable the parties to work on their own schedule (rather than waiting on the court’s availability) and come to quicker resolutions. That can be a huge advantage when you want to put something behind you and move forward.
- Maintain Confidentiality – Arbitration proceedings are generally private, which can help keep sensitive information away from public scrutiny.
Understanding The Arbitration Process In Hawaii
There are a lot of steps in the arbitration process. First, both parties must agree to arbitrate – and what they are arbitrating (the full case or just some aspect of it). They must also agree on how the third-party neutral, or arbitrator, will be chosen and how their fees will be divided. The parties must also agree, in advance, on whether the arbitrator’s decision will be binding or not (and any limitations).
Once the rules surrounding the arbitration are established, each party will present its case – which may be done on paper or in person (although less formally than during a trial). Once the arbitrator has all the information they need, they will review the evidence and make their decision in writing, notifying each party’s attorney.
It’s important to note that arbitration is vastly different from mediation. In mediation, the third-party neutral facilitates the negotiations between opposing parties, but the parties ultimately decide if and how the case will be settled. In arbitration, the arbitrator makes all the decisions. Even if the arbitration is nonbinding, this can be a useful way to gauge how a case might be perceived at an actual trial.
Learn Whether Arbitration Is Right For You
In such a complex process where so much is at stake, you need a team like us at Trecker Fritz & Williams, Attorneys at Law. You can speak with one of us to learn more about arbitrating your claim and our past successes in arbitration cases. To reach us, please call 808-797-3363 or send us an email. We offer free, no-risk, no-obligation initial consultations.